Our Writing Projects

are managed using a generally
accepted project life cycle
based on

Project Management Institute
PM Book of Knowledge

Supervised by our Pm4hire Affiliate


We can help you create professional-looking resumes by structuring information so the current technology used by HR managers to filter and search for specific attributes that can easily keep a qualified candidate out of the running.  We can start out with almost any resume format, and we will provide you with an information template that you can complete in MS-Word or a text-based processor.

A resume is a sales document: most people are not accustomed to selling themselves to prospective employers, and while perfectly well qualified they fail to make a persuasive case that ensures they will be short-listed for an interview.  Our goal is to help change the odds for an individual to be considered.  When a typical job posting receives over 100 applicants and visual cues become more important than the detailed descriptions, it is important to present the information so that you get more than a passing glance.

We have a simple process that takes your existing resume plus support information and transforms that into a formal resume using one of the templates we have established.

Link to free guide to input information for resume writing service.If you want us to help you build a perfect resume we can provide you with a free guide that itemizes what we need from you, and what formats we support.

Cover Letters

It is not practical to offer a service that produces cover letters: when the opportunity is posted time is of the essence, you need to respond quickly and efficiently.  What we can do for you is create that cover letter and e-mail the resume to the prospective employer IF this does not involve signing in to a recruitment site.

We basically produce a generic cover letter that emphasizes your qualifications, goals, and objectives.  We normally place this cover letter on a cover page to your resume so that it will never be separated: not all HR sites are well organized, and E-mail covers can easily be lost and useless despite the effort you put in.

With the cover letter and the resume “master template” you have a generic resume that can be submitted even if the job description is not very explicit in terms of what they are looking for.  By separate copy will be instructions for how to read a job advertisement to then customize the cover letter by inserting specific sentences and sections that mirror the information that the HR people are looking for.

This is not a perfect process by a long shot: each company seems to have its own quirks of what they look for in a submission.  However, this is one area where being close has a distinct value.  HR people have specific things they look for in order to put your resume on the “maybe” pile: a cover letter is often an unstated prerequisite – if it is missing you may be disqualified for no other reason and despite your excellent qualifications.

Preferred Cover-letter Template

We have a simple outline for how to complete a cover letter, normally incorporated in our resume template.  That is because we recommend making the cover-letter part of a resume submission so it becomes inseparable: there are too many ways the resume can become detached from the cover letter and so undermine your job-hunting efforts.

The outline is produced in a guide that explains how to read and interpret job ads, such that you can create a cover letter that is highly responsive.  We would love to say that it will guarantee you get the job: at most we can say that it will guarantee you compete if your qualifications match those you have identified in your resume.

The purpose of the cover letter is to take away the need to depend on a HR analyst to read and understand your resume: the cover letter explains how your experience makes you a good match for the stated requirements, giving the HR analyst the ammunition to put you on the “maybe” pile that is 80% of your challenge: to be in the top 10% - 15% of the resumes pre-selected as being one of the potential candidates.

Preferred Format Templates

We have a number of templates that candidates can request depending on preference, so long as the core functionality remains intact.  Although the contents may vary widely the basic layout of the resume presentation will follow one of the templates that shows your personality while at the same time delivering the information HR is looking for.

Everyone needs a resume – the age of job security is long past, so as you progress in a corporate position you heed to (bi-) annually refresh your resume to make sure it has the up-to-date information that employers are looking for.  Should something happen that terminates your job you do not want to be paralyzed by shock: you want to be ready to take on a new job search on short notice.

Many people think they can whip-up a resume relatively quickly: when the axe falls your mind is not tuned in to selling yourself – how can you convince an unknown employer of your excellent qualities when your current employer puts you on the free agents list?  It happens to the best of us: don’t fall into the trap of taking 2-4 weeks to get moving, as it takes at least 4 weeks from when a company posts a job advertisement to when it then makes the selection of who should be hired.  In that time your income has terminated.

Don’t set yourself up for a surprise by doing some contingency planning and get your resume up to date and ready for issue.